Monday, May 24, 2010


As mentioned in my previous post, we got GERBILS this weekend.  Alec's sheer joy and excitement before and after we went to buy them was caught on video (must have Rob show me how to upload a video to the blog).  When he woke up from his nap Friday afternoon, I quietly asked him "Would you like to go pick out your gerbils at Petco?"  He shrieked and proceeded to dance and bounce off the walls until Rob got home.  He could hardly contain his excitement.  It was an easy choice at the pet store, since they only had two gerbils.  We brought them home and set up their cage while Mr. Excited and one of our curious cats watched.  The gerbils will be sequestered for about 5 days to make sure they are all acclimated to their new home, before we move them into Alec's room.  Alec really, really wants to hold them and pet them but we've only allowed a couple of pets over the weekend.  The store recommended we let them be for a while before we start handling them.  No names for the little guys yet - Alec suggested James and Thomas, and then retracted it.  He says he doesn't want them to have names.  They may end up being Brown Gerbil and Gray Gerbil.

We got to spend Saturday at the Madison Park playground with Uncle Keith, Aunt Natalie, Roman and Baby Charlotte.  Alec loved the "zipline" trolley, and had a huge smile from ear to ear while he sailed through the air.

Saturday evening we got to have one last playdate with Saylor, the little 3-year old from across the street. They had their belongings all packed up and ready to leave Sunday morning to move back to San Diego.  Alec and Saylor have been playmates for a year now, and it's been so fun and convenient having them live across the street.  We are crossing our fingers that some nice folks rent the house next.  So far we've been really lucky with the two rentals on our street, and have made some very good friends.  Thankfully our other good friends who lived across the street, The Kennedys, only moved about 7 blocks away when they bought a home.  We were so glad that they stayed in the 'hood.  :)

We finished off the weekend with a long soak in our next door neighbor's hot tub.  Alec and another little 3-year old girl dominated the hot tub.  They only wanted to get out to eat mac 'n cheese, and then it was back into the hot tub.  Thankfully our neighbor Merrilee cools the temp of the hot tub down so it's kid-appropriate.  I can only handle about 30 minutes in a hot tub, so I ended up being the wine server, kid food chef and towel-getter.

Two posts in one week - what is going on?  I am feeling motived for whatever reason - maybe it's because Keith/Natalie and Krista Kennedy do such a great job of keeping theirs up.  I really want to have Alec's life documented better, and certainly haven't been diligent about writing things down ever.  I am going to try to keep it up, but I can't guarantee I won't fall off the blogging wagon at any time.  It just seems to happen...


  1. Anonymous1:50 PM

    I love reading about Alec and your daily life. Here's to you keeping up the posts...

    By the way, I particularly liked the section on choosing the gerbils/ being an easy choice- made me laugh and seeing Rob relaxing in a hot tub makes me want to get a hot tub!


  2. Love the two posts in one week! And we are super happy we are just blocks away too. We love this "hood"!
